When I first got the inquiry for this wedding I resonated with it instantly. The description of what they wanted it to be was: “personal & intimate.” That was the description I had for my own wedding (18 years ago next week!) That’s the heart of why I do what I do! I hope to create images that aren't only pretty, but are personal. So what makes a wedding or it’s photos personal? Well, I'm sure that answer would vary depending on who you ask, but to me, to be personal means authentically vulnerable. Being or reacting in such a way that isn't differed because of others. For my wedding, that looked like a handwritten note on each guest's place setting sharing about the impact that they had in my life. For Zach & Virginia they planned an intimate wedding dinner at Osteria Via Stato (literally the only other venue I've ever seen that reminds me of mine) with their nearest and dearest of friends and family. Which side note, that meal at Osteria was one of the best I've ever had in my entire life. No exaggeration. So they had the intimate planned, but the personal came due to circumstances prior to their wedding that made them be vulnerable and all the more grateful for each person and moment that day. Life changed drastically in the weeks leading up to the wedding, and so much has happened since. I hope that they look back at these images and of course hopefully think they're beautiful, but I hope they see what strength they have, how far they've come since, and if that much validation of the love that's in their life can happen in that short of a time, just imagine looking back at these 20, 30, 40 years from now. Cheers to reminders of those we love over ridiculously good Italian food. Loved capturing your day Zach & Virginia.