I know there's quite a bit from this 2020 season of life that people are wanting to forget. But amidst some of the ashes of circumstances for people, there at the foundation of it all, something beautiful remains: family. We will never get the opportunity to spend such uninterrupted time with our family than what we've been experiencing. It's time we'll never get back. That is such a gift! It may have been delivered in the most unconventional of packages, but gift you couldn't buy, create, or make happen on your own, even if you tried. Much like the day after Christmas, and the packages and wrapping paper is strewn about. It could be a bit disappointing that it's "all over" or we could choose to look around the room and see how lucky we were to have the things to celebrate in the first place. I choose the latter. I know this family, and they'd choose the latter. Not taking focusing on what this season could have been for them, but rather savoring the many reasons they are grateful to be all together. Hope these images are reminders of that regardless of what's ahead.